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Benefits Of Writing Skills in Business |
According to David Ferrers, "If you want to call yourself a writer you have to do what the best writers do — there are no shortcuts".
The more you write, the more you improve your mind. The more you improve your mind, the more you achieve your financial goal. I love writing skills because it gives me many financial benefits.
I love writing because it gives me many financial rewards on my work. That is why I never stop learning, and I never stop writing. The more I learn, the more I write.
Writing is my profession even when I do not get a degress from any higher school. It is my passion even when I have average English language.
Writing is one of the most profitable businesses we ever know. Many successful people earn royalties daily through their good writing skills in business. One of the highest paying income skills you can earn income is writing. Writing is king in which many people still.don't know.
We are in the information age that gives the writers the opportunity to write for us to learn more from their great minds because we need information to keep us warner, healthier and younger.
Without reading from great minds daily, we begain to vegetate, like just as without taking exercise regularly, we begin to deteriorate our health.
Writing is how you can start as an entrepreneur and enjoy financial rewards every day. Let me start with best benefits of writing skills in business that leads to achieving your financial success.
1. 7 Best Benefits Of Good Writing Skills In Business To Achieve Your Personal Success
1. Choose Your Mind
Good writing in business is to choose your mind because if you work with your physical muscles, you get 20% of your 80% efforts( great or hard efforts). But if you work with your brain, you get 80% of your 20% efforts ( small or easy efforts).
Choose your brain above your physical muscles because there is no one that has ever succeed in life without thinking. Thinking is what makes you a personal affluence or poverty.
The quality of ideas that flow through your mind determines the quality of your life. Until careful thought is linked with your intelligent action, there is no real accomplishment in your life. Good writing in business is to begin with mind. The power of writing is the power of thinking.
Brains are created equally. But it is how you utilize your brain that determines the feat you attain at the end of the day. Understand that the brain is the most compliant organ in the universe and when given a line of action, it accomplishes it with precision.
the benefit of good writing is to find your brain and work with it. The benefit of writing is to change your consumption into production. To attract your writing skills is find your mind to become what you study.
Further Reading:
• How to Activate Your Subscious Mind In 8 Technical Steps
• How to Make An Article Example That Will Attract Browsers Into Regular Readers
2. Stick To Your Mind
Good writing in business is to find your mind and stick to it to other great minds. You rub your minds through people's great minds online or offline.
To become a successful writer in business or a journal is to stick to other great minds on any topic or subject of your choice so that you can still learn more about them.
If you want to become a great leader in your chosen field, you must be a voracious reader. You can not know everything. Just choose what interstate you and read to understand well.
Those who write well read well. Buy to read, not borrow to read. When you read books, you read people's minds. In order to expand your writing skills, you must read wildly. Keep reading. Keep writing.
Read to transform yourself for the better as a writer. There is no any short cut to success than to read as a late Nigerian father told his son, Oladeja Lekan, as he chosen Banking as a career for him to study in higher institution that he(Oladeja) was scared because he did not offer Accounts in his secondary school.
Reading is really blessing to any person who wants to flourish and prosper in business or life. "Reading is a must to muster and master the potential power of the mind", as Oladeja said.
3. Take Time To Think
Nothing can you improve your writing skills in business if you don't create your own questions to answer them what you read. Take time to think what you read and then write things down.
It is not enough that you read through without taking time to think about the things on paper. Try to create your own questions on what you understand as you read. The better the questions you create what you read, the more perceptive and strong the answers you create.
Try to answer those questions you create what you read. For instance, when you read a story or any other thing on politics, events, marriage, etc and you have fresh ideas you want to say, you have to pause that page. Then write things down quickly in brief or philosophy as I experienced before.
Ask yourself some questions why a woman did not love her husband no matter how much he provides for her, what can I do to solve a problem, what lesson I can learn from a story, why some people face financial problem even when they have good pay, etc. Then write it down.
The more you practice, the more you perfect. Creating questions and answers help me improve my English language better.
4. Write Your Visualisation Down
You will waste your writing skills if you don't have a purpose. Any person who wants to achieve their career value or personal success or business success must have a purpose.
What, why, how and when are important to your personal success. What do you want to do with your life or business? Why do you want to do something with your life? How are you going to do something with your life? When are you going to start with your life?
You need to answer those questions in your own purpose. The benefit of good writing is to start with a dream or goal. Write down your dreams, your goals or your thoughts or your plans on paper and then read it aloud every other day to remember something you should do quickly.
We all have ideas and goals in our minds that we should begin with our paper. Our dreams do not just happen until we start with our paper in writing on them and make it happen in our lives.
"Vision is the art of seeing things invisible" as Jonathan Swift said. What is the purpose of your writing? Write things down and work on it as you implement it out. When you plan your writing by hand on work, you must outline in plans for future writing.
5. Track Your Financial Statement
The benefit of writing successfully in business is to seat down with financial statements or monthly or daily receipts on needs, wants, and check how much you spend daily and how much you profit daily or how much your earnings is. Then work on your writing and see how far your comparison between your expenditures and your income is.
The more you track your financial statements/ receipts on your daily spendings in business, the more you improve your financial health.
Knowing financial accounting, report and analysis on between business/ domestic/personal expenses and income by writing by hand on paper helps reduce your spending habits and allows you to grow more money in your savings account for future retirement or emergency.
Don't keep your memory on your daily spendings. Write things down by hand on your daily spendings and business income.
6. Writing Skills Open To New Opportunities
Where there is writing, there is an opportunity to make money with it. Writing is one of the most valuable skills in our time.
You become the most valuable writer if you develop your own writing skills or you keep honing your writing skills for business or service you are working with some companies on financial report or analysis or budget, projects, sports news, etc.
Writing profits you nothing if you don't learn to sell yourself well. There are many benefits of writing skills in business or personal career you can make money with it.
You make money as a good writer in business by selling your business proposals/ business transaction record in finances
You make money by selling your writing skills any where. You make money as an editor in writing. You make money as a proofreader in writing. You make money as a writer for the government on public information.
You make money as a hired professor in any school in teaching. You make money in business as a writer by selling your knowledge or books.
You make good money by selling architectual designs in writing. You make millions as an investor by calculating in writing on financial analysis in quoted companies'financial report on earnings, volumes, P/E ratios, deals, etc.
Writing is such a profit. You must pay a price for knowledge on any topic or subject of your choice before you can start with your writing skills in offer for a sale.
7. Writing Our Diary Everyday
To germinate your writing skills, you should get your diary and write it every day. Whatever you get new ideas as you see, hear, listen, watch TV, dream, and read as you go any where, write things down on your diary quickly.
Collate something from any book or newspaper that interests you and write it down on the diary. It helps you to remember something that you review it.
Daily writing by hand on your diary helps improve your life and carry you to the next level of your personal career.
Writing by hand on notebooks or diaries is much more crucial than by typing on your smartphone or laptop.
2. Why Both Reading And Writing Are Relevant to Us?
Why is writing good for our brain? Is writing good for our brains? Let me share with you here:
Yes. Because:
It improves our hand writing skills in pen or pencil.
It improves our brain well.
It keeps us joyful and peaceful.
It keeps our brain sharper like a sharpened cutlass. We cut grass smarter and faster each time we sharpen it with sharpener. We write fluently and skilfully each time we read good books.
It keeps our brains fresher each day.
It keeps us and our brain younger even when we are older. Even if you are young at 20, you become old at 60 if you stop practice both reading and writing.
It improves our memories and our mental activities. It improves our mental health.
It increases our knowledge.
It improves our grammar, our vocabulary, our words, our spellings and our sentences.
Final Thoughts
Writing could be boring if you lack passion on it. Writing skills could be persuasive techniques. Writing skills are called communicatng skills.
Those who write well communicate well. Writing skills have many benefits. Writing skills are hard to learn unless you master English language.
Thank for reading this article. Stay tune with me next time on any title I choose to create that interest my readers and subscribers.
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